Important Information about Travel - please read!

We recommend using public transport to travel to the area. Please note that travel costs to and from the area are NOT covered by the ticket price.  

There are direct trains to Penrith from London Euston, Edinburgh and Glasgow, which take approximately 3 hours.  

The minibus will be available for pick up from Penrith station on the Friday to meet the London train arriving at 3.29pm (and other trains arriving from different destinations at that time) and will leave the hostel at 9am on Monday morning for the journey back to Penrith.  

Penrith is just over an hour away from the hostel.  If you travel to any other station, then you will need to make your own arrangements to get to the hostel.  There is a bus service from Windermere, for example, and taxis. 

There is free parking on site at the hostel, if you are planning to drive.  You can get the bus or a taxi from Windermere, see the hostel's website for details. 

You can book train tickets and check costs via a range of websites including:

The Trainline

National Rail enquiries