We recommend using public transport to travel to the area. Please note that travel costs to and from the area are NOT covered by the ticket price.  

There are no direct trains to Scarborough from London KIngs Cross, but with one change at York, you will be there in just over 3 hours.  The journey from Edinburgh is 3.5 hours and Bristol just over 5 hours. Scarborough is about 30 minutes away from the hostel by road.  There is also a bus service to Robin Hood's Bay. You can reach the hostel on foot from there, either over the cliffs or along the beach (depending on the tide). 

There is no parking on site at the hostel, but plenty of parking approximately 500 metres away in a free car park.  It is recommended that you bring a torch if you are likely to arrive after dark, as both the car park and the lane to the hostel are unlit. 

On the booking form you will be asked to let us know how you are planning to arrive and whether you need a seat on the minibus from Scarborough.

You can book train tickets and check costs via a range of websites including:

The Trainline

National Rail enquiries