Programme for the
UKELA Annual Scottish Conference 2019
Chair: Richard Leslie, Shepherd & Wedderburn,
Convenor UKELA (Scotland)
Thursday 10th October 2019
Environmental Law In Scotland - An Update For 2019
9.45am - 4.45pm
09:45am - Welcome, Richard Leslie, UKELA Co-convenor
09:50am - Brexit - The Current Position and Potential Effect on Environmental Law, Professor Colin Reid, Head of Environmental Law, University of Dundee, UKELA Patron
10:10am - Environmental Principles Consultation, Richard Leslie, Partner, Shepherd & Wedderburn
10:30am - UKELA's Response To The Environmental Principles Consultation, Dr Paul Stookes, Working Party and Brexit Advisor, UKELA
10:55 - Law & Policy of Scotland's Inshore Waters, Robert Younger, Lawyer, Fish Legal, Clerk to the Argyll District Salmon Fisheries Board & Director of Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation
11:20am - Coffee Break
11:35am - The Reform Of Environmental Authorisations - As An Update, Jeremy Warner, SEPA
12.05pm - Sewerage odour control: Crying out for integration, Ian Cowan, Highland Environmental Law
12.35pm - Hattie Owens, UK Environment Lawyer
1.00pm - Lunch
2.00pm - Waste Landfill Ban, Laura Tainsh, Partner, Davidson Chalmers Stewart
2.20pm - Waste - Casestudy/Industry View, Colin Forshaw, Suez
2.40pm - Dealing with plastic waste - Regulators' view, Ross Cowie, SEPA
3.00pm - Clean Air Emission Zones, Stephen Thomson, Head Of Air Quality, Roads, Directorate, Transport Scotland
3.30pm - Coffee Break
3.45pm - Case Review, Robert Sutherland, Advocate, Terra Firma Chambers
4.15pm - Update on Sustainable Development, Sir Crispin Agnew, Advocate, Westwater
4.45pm - Close
Programme Is Subject To Change by the Organiser