Programme for the
UKELA Annual Scottish Conference 2018
Chair: Richard Leslie, Shepherd & Wedderburn,
Convenor UKELA (Scotland)
Current Themes and Looking Ahead - an Annual Update
9am - 4.30pm
09:45 - Welcome, Richard Leslie, UKELA Co-convenor
09:50 - Brexit, Professor Colin Reid, University of Dundee
10:15 - Brexit, Dr Ian Jardine, Scottish Government
10:40 - Climate Change- David Smith and Lowri Walker, The 2050 Climate Group
11:00 - Environmental Highlights of the Past Year, Joanna Waddell, UKELA Co-convenor
11:10 - Refreshment Break
11:30 - Practical Impacts of Recent Changes to the EIA Regime, Robin Hutchison Partner, CMS
11:50 - Case Study, the Kincardine Offshore Floating Windfarm, Dr Richard Wakefield, Niras
12:10 - Abandoned Collieries - The Potential for Geothermal Heat from Mine Water and the Legal Aspects,
Hugh Barron, Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site
12:35 -Transforming Vacant and Derelict Land in Scotland - Unlocking Opportunities for Inclusive Growth,
Martin Valenti, Strategic Director, Vacant & Derelict Land Task Force, Scottish Land Commission.
13:00 - Lunch
14:00- Issues Around the Landfill Ban - a Legal Perspective, Laura Tainsh, Partner, Davidson Chalmers
14:25 - SEPA View - Waste Industry, Andrew Sullivan, National Waste Team, SEPA
14:50 - Marine Plastic Pollution - The Problem with Cotton Buds and Nurdles, Sarah Archer, Fidra
15:15 - Refreshment Break
15:30 - Case Update, Alastdair Sutherland, Terra Firma Chambers
16:10- Environmental Law - A Personal Reflection, Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnagaw
16:35 - Summary, Ian Cowan, Highland Environmental Law
16:40 - Thank you & Close, Richard Leslie, UKELA Co-convenor
6 Hours CPD
Programme Is Subject To Change by the Organiser